Racknerd’s three selected site building packages, dc2/large memory/multi-core cpu/large traffic

It has been a while since I messed with this stuff so I started with the shared hosting putting up some Word Press blogs. For some reason I had and issue with my added on domain and contacted there support through a ticket. This is where my experience was top notch. Not only was my ticket answered quickly. They were patient and offered multiple possible solutions. I could tell it was a real person not some scripted help.

I did notice where I went wrong and sent a screen shot of what I thought the issue was and they had to fix it on their side. Which happened quickly and my cheesy Word Press site was up and running once again.

So that being said I was extremely pleased with the service not only the bang for the buck but also the top notch support as well. Thanks RackNerd!

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2x vCPU Core
20 GB SSD Cached RAID-10 Storage
1.5 GB RAM
4000GB Monthly Premium Bandwidth
1Gbps Public Network Port
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1 Dedicated IPv4 Address
KVM / SolusVM Control Panel – Reboot, Reinstall, Manage rDNS, & much more
LOCATION: Available in Multiple Locations
JUST $16.55/YEAR

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LEB New Website Special – 2.5GB KVM

3x vCPU Core
40 GB SSD Cached RAID-10 Storage
2.5 GB RAM
6500GB Monthly Premium Bandwidth
1Gbps Public Network Port
Full Root Admin Access
1 Dedicated IPv4 Address
KVM / SolusVM Control Panel – Reboot, Reinstall, Manage rDNS, & much more
LOCATION: Los Angeles
JUST $23.49/YEAR

purchase linkracknerd.com

LEB New Website Special – 3.5GB KVM

3x vCPU Core
45 GB SSD Cached RAID-10 Storage
3.5 GB RAM
7000GB Monthly Premium Bandwidth
1Gbps Public Network Port
Full Root Admin Access
1 Dedicated IPv4 Address
KVM / SolusVM Control Panel – Reboot, Reinstall, Manage rDNS, & much more
LOCATION: Los Angeles
JUST $28.99/YEAR – WOW!!

purchase link: racknerd.com

Los Angeles DC02:, http://lg-lax02.racknerd.com/1000MB.test

Los Angeles DC05:, http://lg-lax05.racknerd.com/1000MB.test

San Jose:, http://lg-sj.racknerd.com/1000MB.test

Seattle:, http://lg-sea.racknerd.com/1000MB.test

New Jersey:, http://lg-nj.racknerd.com/1000MB.test

Dallas:, http://lg-dal.racknerd.com/1000MB.test

Chicago:, http://lg-chi.racknerd.com/1000MB.test

Ashburn:, http://lg-ash.racknerd.com/1000MB.test

Atlanta:, http://lg-atl.racknerd.com/1000MB.test

Netherlands. Amsterdam:, http://lg-ams.racknerd.com/1000MB.test

Buffalo:, http://lg-ny.racknerd.com/1000MB.test


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